Farmington Cross Country Team Goes to State
Class four girls run at state in Columbia Missouri with over 20 teams competing. Containing the Farmington Cross Country girls.
With a promising season, the cross country team made it to state. The girl’s team placed 9th at state, while the boys placed 4th. Although the girl’s didn’t place exactly how they wanted to, they were phenomenal at state. Natalie Gammon, a freshman runner, says, “I think they did pretty good but they did good in their own personal way.”
Natalie also said that one of her favorite parts of state was the experience she got there as a freshman. The underclassmen runners also were just happy that they were able to make it to state, because to be able to make it, the runners have to work very hard and have a pretty good season.
The boys also ran very well at state, and many of them set a new personal record. For example, Evan Fuller placed 22nd at state and got a time of 16:46. Considering how big of a meet state is, that is an outstanding placement. Bailea Bock
The cross country team was well prepared for this meet. The team’s mileage for the previous two weeks were lower and they had very light speed workouts. The day before the meet they ran the course to get familiar with it and that night before the meet, they went to Olive Garden as the team usually does. After the team went to Olive Garden, they went back to the hotel and had a talk with Stone discussing the predicted times and placement at state.
The day of state, the team was very nervous but they overcame it and performed to their best potential. With the girls placing 9th overall and the boys getting 4th and being able to stand on the podium!Bailea Bock, an alternative runner says, “ I think they did amazing, they all pushed themselves beyond their limits and had an amazing race.” The runners at state did amazing and tried their hardest. The girls and boys had an amazing season this year and the seniors will be missed a lot. The underclassmen of the team will have a promising future next year with the class of 2027.

Hobbies: Cross Country and Soccer
Spirit Animal: Golden Retriever
Theme Song: Dark Red by Steve Lacy
Favorite Quote: "No rain, no flowers." -Unknown