Information About Finals Week

When people think of finals, they think of long, hard tests that if failed, decrease your grade immensely. At least I did when coming into high school, but just a couple weeks ago I found out they’re not as big and scary as they may seem. Most people first think finals are these giant tests that are a big part of your grade. In reality, they are only 10 % of your final grade! If you have a good grade in a class you’re final doesn’t really make a big difference. Unfortunately, if you are failing a class and you don’t show up on a day for finals or you got a bad score. Your final grade may not be the best. Chris Roberson (Sophmore at FHS) told me in an interview about how in his freshman year he missed one final and got 0%, but it barely did anything on his grade. Even though we try to avoid it, it’s still pretty common for this to happen. You may have to miss a day in finals week, or you may flunk one of the tests. Sometimes you just can’t help it.
Most people ask the question, “What about the actual tests are they hard?” Well, it really depends on the person taking the test. Some people may handle the stress finals week brings on better than other people. Autumn Rochelle, a senior at FHS, was asked about her experiences with taking and preparing for finals. This was her response, “They’ve always been difficult to study for, but they’re pretty easy, as long as you study.” On the other hand, some people like Mason Bowles( Junior at FHS) have a different perspective of finals week. When I asked Mason the same question his response was somewhat different. “Finals week is pretty hard and it involves a lot of stress.” Whether you think finals are going to be hard or not don’t sweat it. Overall, they are just 10% of one grade in your high school career., but don’t let that stop you from studying!

Interests: Tennis, music, fashion
Quote: “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.”- Albus...