NBA Power Rankings


With the 2019-2020 NBA season just starting up with the teams being about 13 games in and the power rankings are a little different from last year. The 30th team in the rankings, the Golden State Warriors, were the 1st team in the rankings in the 2018-2019 season and they made it to the championship last year. But with Kevin Durant getting hurt and requesting a trade and moving to Brooklyn. Klay Thompson is out with an ACL tear and Steph Curry out with a broken hand.

The number one in the power ranking the Los Angeles Lakers are coming off a ranking of 21 from the 2018-2019 season. The Lakers achieved a very big deal this summer, everyone thought they were getting rid of all their young talent but that actually finished a very complicated puzzle by putting Anthony Davis in the roster. A big powerhouse that can run the pick and roll with Lebron and score 20+ every night was a great addition to the team.
A big surprise for everyone is the LA Clippers being in the number 5 spot. They gained 2 big superstars in their lineup. Kawhi Leonard came from the Toronto Raptors, coming off a championship and a Finals MVP season.
That is just a basic take on the big surprises of the year and there should be very big competition this year and the power rankings are back how they used to be. If you would like to check out the power rankings, go to