9th grade can be hard. This year’s freshman class has a reputation for not being well-liked. With that in mind, we asked a couple of freshmen how they were transitioning to life as High Schoolers. Ella Pierce is a student at FHS. She transferred from St. Paul in 7th grade. Layla Reeder is also a current student at FHS. She has been in public school all her life.
Ella said transitioning from private school to high school was an overall crazy experience. Layla said the same thing about the transition from middle school to high school. Ella’s favorite thing about high school is lunch, and Layla says her favorite thing about high school is the opportunities.
“One thing I miss about middle school is Mrs. Hennrich,” said Reeder.
Ella recommends that you take Spanish with Mr. Akins in High school and Layla recommends you take Biomed.
They both said their transition to high school was not scary and it’s the same as middle school.
They both say that overall they don’t miss middle school. One thing Ella would change about high school is not taking computer apps freshman of high school and she would also recommend this to students as well, Layla said she would change having classes with her best friend.
“Always walk on the right side of the hall and walk fast.” Said Layla
Ella says high school is easier than she thought it would be, meanwhile, Layla thinks it’s harder. Even though Ella is in public school but said she,
“Forever a St. Paul kid at heart.”