How long have you been teaching ?
“Been teaching since 2007, taught at MAC in the First Year RN program, then taught clinical professional education at Parkland Health Center and have been a nurse since 1999.”
What is the most rewarding part of teaching?
“Seeing students learn and achieve their goals I never had the opportunity to take these types of health career classes when I was in high school. I think it is great to see students working towards their future career plans.”
Did you always plan on being a teacher?
“I have been interested in teaching nursing but never thought about teaching at the high school.”
What made you want to get into nursing and medical?
“I have had a strong interest in healthcare since I was young. I enjoy learning about the human body and how it works, how to treat and manage diseases. I have enjoyed meeting new people, working with different healthcare providers in a variety of healthcare settings. It amazes me to see how much has changed in healthcare and education over the years with research and technology. I enjoy working with people and seeing them get better.”
Is your job hard?
“Nursing and Teaching are hard when you look at how many different things they manage throughout the day.”
If you could change one thing about your career what would it be?
“more time for grading and planning I do a lot outside school time”