Hot Dog Guy
Local entrepreneur Brandon Magee is known around Farmington as the Hot Dog Guy. Find out how he paved that path below.
The Hot Dog Guy
Four years ago, Brandon Magee made a huge risk by abandoning his job to venture out into an area of business that few had successfully mastered. Previously, Magee had been a successful foreman, or supervisor at a construction company. While he loved his job, Magee wanted to branch out and pursue a business venture based on something he was passionate about. Magee’s family had been in the restaurant business for generations, and he was quick to describe his passion for food. That passion eventually led him to make an improbable and at the time unprecedented change in his life.
In 1883 Oskar Mayer, formerly an employee at a butchery, set off to start his own business selling a specific and unusual item: hot dogs. He built an empire that today has sold over 2.3 billion dollars worth of hot dogs, according to Reference For Business. Four years ago, Magee started on the same path, buying a food cart to sell hot dogs and adopting the company name “Red’s Hot Dogs.” Now he has two food carts, with more being opened shortly, along with a brand new headquarters. His menu includes more than just hot dogs, and as his food becomes more available, he is looking to expand further.
I asked him why he chose to sell hot dogs specifically and he excitedly responded, “It wasn’t always hot dogs at first, we sell other things as well… But off of one cart we usually just sell one item and the hot dogs are the easiest thing to throw out there.” I also asked about the restaurant that he is starting here in Farmington. They will have a wide selection of food including the famous hot dogs, and will be open Tuesday-Sunday from 11am to 10pm. He described the restaurant as being similar to Hunts, with tables and parking outside, and similar to Little Caesars’ with a pick up and carry out option inside.
After Magee’s immediate success, food trucks and carts started poping up all over Farmington. By taking a huge risk, Magee unknowingly has been helping others to pursue their dreams. But, he isn’t finished branching out quite yet. As the business continues to grow, Magee will be renting out carts to businesses, churches, and even individual families. For more information on Red’s Hot Dogs you can visit his website,, or follow the business on facebook.
Information on Oskar Mayer from

What’s up FHS! I’m Jace Denison, a senior and co-director of BKTV. I have been reporting for BKTV for 4 years. I also serve as an anchor and news reporter...