Written by: Sophia Bond 10-24-18
Wednesday, October 17th a Round Table Discussion occurred between 3:30pm to 7:00pm at the Farmington High School Field House. The discussions were related to Social Emotional Learning and was open to everyone. There were many table facilitators for all the different topics this discussion covered.
There are five discussions, one is the topic of suicide. This discussion went into the assessment, intervention and prevention of suicide. Some of the questions and details that went with this discussion include; 1. How do we at FSD engage in prevention and intervention of suicide? 2. Risk, protective and warning signs. 3. Where to go and resources for support. The table facilitators for this were the counselors.
Another discussion was about the homeless, and what it means to be homeless. Here are a few questions included with this discussion. 1. Who is considered homeless? 2. Where do I go for supports if I am homeless? 3. How do I support someone who may be homeless? The two table facilitators for this topic were Amy Grief and Social Worker.
A third discussion is the topic of safety and wellbeing. This included the question of what is best practice for creating an environment for safe and successful schools? This approached the practice of safety and wellbeing through instructional, supportive and managerial. The three table facilitators of this topic were John Krause, District Safety and Director.
The 4rth discussion was the topic of tobacco, alcohol and drug trends. This covered what parents need to know about the knew trends arising. 3 questions and details in this topic are; 1. VAPING- What is the big deal? 2. Emerging trends and prevention. 3. Behavior traits of substance use or abuse. Sargent Weekley, SRO and Corporal Woods and Sargent Crump, from the Missouri state highway patrol, were the table facilitators for this topic.
Lastly, the fifth discussion is the FAFSA frenzy and how well do people know financial aid. The room facilitator for this discussion was Lindsay Kearns.
Knights of the Round Table
October 24, 2018

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