Did you know that Farmington High School freshman Olivia Walling plays on a co-ed ice hockey team throughout St. Louis? Although it is uncommon for a female to play such a sport, she makes the most of it and doesn’t let the prominently male environment affect her.
“I played on an AAA girl’s team for two years but then I got cut and it ruined my confidence,” said Walling. “I decided that I didn’t want to play on any of the other girl’s teams because they weren’t very good. So, I chose Kirkwood because ever since I could remember, they were an amazing program that not only taught great hockey but also created strong people.”
Even though she was cut from her last team, she kept trying and eventually found her way onto the Kirkwood team. Due to her determination, Walling is an inspirational student at FHS. Her never-quit attitude led her to success in ice hockey.
“I started playing roller hockey at the Bonne Terre Family Fun Center and then me and my roller teammates tried out ice hockey and I loved it,” remarked Walling. “My mom put me on an all-girls ice team, and that’s when my ice hockey journey started.”
Walling is experienced on and off the ice. She started playing off the ice and gradually transitioned to wearing skates.
Walling is inspired by Megan Keller, a prominent ice hockey player who plays for the Boston Fleet team at the University of Massachusetts.
“Megan Keller inspired me in hockey,” Walling mentioned. “She is a strong defenseman who always works hard and she’s never afraid of anyone. She’s an amazing player and has an amazing shot. I always look at her for inspiration.”
Walling has big goals and with her mindset and determination, it seems possible to accomplish these goals. Although these goals are tough, it is good that she is pushing herself. So That way she can play the best she can.
“I have a few goals I want to achieve in hockey. I would like to play on a high school team which is mostly AAA boys and is extremely rough so the standards are high,” said Walling. “I also want to win the Blue Note Cup with my Kirkwood team and I want to win the playoffs with the Cyclones. I also want to go to nationals with Cyclones.”
“I love playing hockey because it allows me to let go of everything that is causing me stress,” Walling said. “ I also love that it involves your whole body, not just one part, it feels so free when you get on the ice. I love being able to take out my anger as well because hockey is not a delicate sport. It’s fun to tell people about it, too, because it’s not common for a girl, especially in Farmington, to play hockey.”
Walling has a strong love for her sport which is admirable. Some athletes only do their sport because they are talented, not because they have the drive or passion for it. On the other hand, Walling’s drive pushes her and helps her improve. Cares for her sport and how she performs.
“Being on a co-ed team has taught me a lot,” Walling stated. “It can be scary playing with boys because they’re all twice as big and twice as strong as me. But all of the boys on my team welcomed me and made me feel comfortable, especially the coaches. I’ve learned how to adapt to the way boys play and it helped me improve how I play overall. I’ve become good friends with a lot of the boys and we all have a lot of fun laughing about nonsense after every practice. It’s the best sports experience I’ve ever had.”
The challenging setting of a co-ed team has helped Walling improve. She has become a better player because of the boys’ roughness and competitiveness on the team. Even off-ice, they all still have a good bond and a great environment.
“I love how passionate she is about her sport.” Said Wallings’ mom “Although I hate how long the drive is.”
Walling leaves for practices at 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. and she gets back home from 11:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. She practices every day of the week. The rinks she goes to are all around St. Louis, she goes to Centene Ice Rink, Kirkwood Ice Rink, and Queeny Ice Rink.