Girls Cross Country Trip to Joplin
Varsity girls cheering on the varsity boys.
The girls’ cross country trip to Joplin was a success! The trip up to Joplin was about a 6 hour drive considering that we were on a bus. Our bus ride to Joplin was the day before our race. During the trip up, we made several stops at gas stations and for most of the drive up many people were sleeping. However, we did make sure that we made a stop for food.
For example, we stopped at Subway to get lunch and we made several gas station stops. Then after the long ride to Joplin, we went to the course where we ran to get used to the course and see what it’s like. On our run, It was very hilly but it was a very fast course. After we ran the course, we went to the hotel and got ready for dinner, which was at Olive Garden
Afterwards, we went to this old mall. Originally, most of the boys planned on playing laser tag but unfortunately when we got there we figured out that most of the vests were broken and didn’t work. So since we couldn’t go to laser tag, we went to Spirit Halloween.
All the girls were trying on the masks and it was pretty funny. Around 8 o’clock everyone started heading back to the hotel. At the hotel most people started getting ready for bed and everyone was asleep by 10:30. In the morning around 6, everyone got ready for the race and ate breakfast. Afterwards, we headed to the course.
At the course, most people went and got a t-shirt. Around 9:30 am, all the cross country girls warmed up for the race. Afterwards we put on our spikes and went to the starting line. The course was pretty hilly but it went by fast.
Most people there did a really good job at racing; like Natalie Gammon. Natalie says, “I did well. It was fun, but tiring”. Along with Natalie Gammon, Cayman McIntrye also says, “I did pretty good too, I even hit a new pr.” Coach Stone also agrees and says, “ Most people that go to Joplin hit new personal records and do very well.”
Overall, Joplin was very fun and most of the runners that were there did very well. The coaches agree that everyone did good and had a good race. In the future, we hope that everyone continues to race efficiently.

Hobbies: Cross Country and Soccer
Spirit Animal: Golden Retriever
Theme Song: Dark Red by Steve Lacy
Favorite Quote: "No rain, no flowers." -Unknown