Mental Health Workshop
Mental health is just as important as physical health, and the COVID-19 Pandemic has taken a toll on both, especially mentally. During the early months, when staying inside was enforced more, and required in many places, people’s mental health began declining, leading to increased depression, anxiety, and many other feelings. A survey of Adults 18 and over, done by the CDC, showed that 31% of people who took the survey had Anxiety/Depression Symptoms and 26% had Trauma/Stressor-Related Disorder Symptoms.
To help inform people on this and more mental health related topics, the counselors at Farmington High School are hosting a workshop, called the Youth Mental Health First Aid Workshop. The workshop will be used to inform and encourage support of both yourself and others who are experiencing mental health issues.
Amy Grief, the Farmington High School Social Worker, was inspired to put together the workshop, due to the stigma surrounding mental health issues, saying, “There are negative stereotypes and prejudices that result from misconceptions about mental illness and mental health. My goal with this workshop is to show it is OK to talk openly about mental health, to educate our students about mental health, and to show compassion to those who are struggling with their mental health.” Additionally, Jamie Myers from Prevention Consultants of Missouri is coming in to “help identify struggling kids, and learn how to encourage those kids to talk to a school counselor, social worker, or staff member.” Other topics that will be discussed are, preventing substance abuse, empathy, and listening skills, as well as the “Question, Persuade, Refer” approach. Grief said, “The QPR is designed to offer hope and take action when they are concerned that someone may be at risk for suicide.” After learning about the topics, students will be given the opportunity to practice what they learned.
Due to COVID-19, restrictions will be put in place. For starters, fewer students will be taken, there will be “plenty of space for social distancing” and masks will be required if working in a small group.
The Youth Mental Health First Aid Workshop will be held on January 12th, 2021 at the Farmington High School.

Hobbies: Listening to music, playing guitar, playing video games, and writing
Spirit Animal: Jerry the Mouse
Theme Song: I’m Not by Zero 9:36