Sweetheart: STUCO’s Comeback


Student Council plans to go all-out with this years’ Sweetheart dance, the theme being Masquerade. Prepare to be dazzled!

It is true that the FHS Sweetheart dance hasn’t always put up over-the-top decorations over the past years. This year, it’s the Student Council’s mission to truly go all-out and make Sweetheart great. With the theme being Masquerade, glitter and colors will be abundant. On February 29th, starting at seven after the coronation at six-thirty, prepare to be wowed!

Alyssa Koppies, the sophomore class president, said: “Student Council plans on making Sweetheart great this year by making the theme super fun. And we are going all-out on decorating. Each class is assigned a spot where they can each concentrate more and make theirs all look great. And I am just hoping to make a fun and positive environment for everyone!”

High school junior Madeline Joyce, a student body officer of the Student Council, said: “Student Council plans to make Sweetheart great this year by having stellar decorations and bumping music. The Student Council is planning to keep improving Sweetheart and other popular activities because we want more student input. We want to see what students want and hopefully fulfill their needs.”

Carrie Montgomery, one of the sponsors of the FHS Student Council, said: “We are planning to decorate using the theme Masquerade. We will have concessions provided by Speech & Debate. We are excited to have Mr. Dycus in the gym to take photos for people that are wanting them. We will be using a different DJ than we had last year. This year we are planning to presell tickets ($10 each) during lunchtime in the lower cafe the week of Sweetheart. This will help with the long lines to gain access to the dance. We will still require everyone to bring their IDs in order to gain access.”

She then continued: “We plan on improving activities over time by listening to the students’ desires, but keeping up with tradition as well.”

Be on the lookout for some awesome Sweetheart decorations this year and make sure to check out the talent show! Not only does the Student Council plan to make this annual dance fun, but they’re working hard to create an awesome and enjoyable experience that will establish an amazing ambiance from now and the years to come.