How to Stay Fit During the Holidays


Christmas is the season of cookies, cakes, gingerbread houses, and other delicious desserts. This means that this is also the season of consuming excessive calories and putting on some weight. There are many students at school who play winter sports in school like basketball, wrestling and swimming, but other students don’t have practices and games to keep them in shape. No one wants to do hour-long workouts every day during Christmas time. But excessive workout and diet aren’t the only ways out of this problem. Also, it is very important to stay healthy and avoid getting sick during the winter season.

To start with you can avoid getting sick by getting the flu shot. One flu shot can prevent you from getting sick for an entire year. I know it isn’t the most exciting thing to think about during Christmas time, but it can prevent a whole bunch of problems in the future.

Moving on, this might sound obvious but wear proper winter attire. Jackets, gloves, hats, boots are a must during the coldest months of the year. Always be prepared, here in Missouri the weather drastically changes over a short period of time and this isn’t suitable for some people. So, the best thing you could do is always wear a jacket, at the least. If you don’t wear proper winter clothes, you are putting your health at risk. Getting colds and fevers are common symptoms. This might not sound like a huge problem, but if you are sick and you prepare a meal for you and you’re loved once to enjoy together at this time of the year, you can put your entire family at risk of getting fevers or worse!

Moving on the “fit” part, winter, in general, is the season where everyone puts on a few pounds at the least. Adding on to that Christmas and the New Year means tons of delicious food and sweets. Of course, sacrificing these lovely treats is not an option during the holidays, but you can always sneak in a little workout every once in a while. Doctors recommend at least thirty minutes of exercise each day every day, this does not have to be a high-intensity workout. Your thirty minutes could include a light jog around the neighborhood or even a walk. Christmas time doesn’t have to be spent with family indoors. You can head out for a short little walk with them after a heavy meal, all while wearing proper winter clothes of course.

If you aren’t the outdoors kind of person, no problem! There are several indoor sports facilities in Farmington where you can get your daily exercise. “ The Civic Center is a great facility to keep those funds off during the holidays, and it is right across from the school,” says Nurse Govreau. The Civic Center has an indoor gym and an indoor track for walking or jogging. You can also play basketball and various other sports.

Finally, the most important tip in this article is to drink plenty of water. During the summertime, you play and run around a lot and get tired very easily because of the heat. But it is very hard to stay hydrated during the winter. You probably have heard this before, but it is recommended to drink AT LEAST 8 cups of water every day, this also includes the winter season. You can set reminders for yourself to drink enough water every day or get an app that does it for you. Whatever method you use, it is very crucial to drink plenty of water daily.

Christmas is truly the most wonderful time of the year and it is important to stay healthy and fit during this time. Not only are you watching out for your health, but also the health of your loved once. But, the most important thing during this time of the year is to spend quality time with your family and have fun.